Trends in Mathematics ́Education degree: from theory to practice, what are the outstanding reflections?


  • André Augusto Deodato
  • Marli Regina dos Santos


This article addresses the inclusion of discussions about Trends in Mathematics Education in a Remote Internship course. The article aims to describe and analyze aspects of this inclusion and the consequent actions and reflections about it in interns’ practices. The course assignments sought to articulate the theoretical elements of trends that interns mentioned in their reflections about their practice of teaching mathematics remotely. By analyzing synchronous meetings moored on the theoretical references of the Historical-Cultural Theory of Activity, our analysis produced an understanding of two axes that converge on methodologies and teaching moves. We highlight the moves of interns to re- signify the “theoretical” understanding of trends and analyze the possibility of articulating them with their practice. The focus on trends helped interns see themselves as part of a professional category linked to attitudes and values intrinsic to it.


