Reflections on the development of mathematics teaching in France and B razil: brief history, characteristics and contributions


  • Marilena Bittar
  • Paula Moreira Baltar Bellemain


superior a partir da pesquisa sobre modelagem no ensino de equações ABSTRACT In this text, we reflect on the emergence and development of the didactics of mathematics (DDM) in France and Brazil. We highlight features of this trend and illustrate some of its contributions to mathematics education and educational sciences. DDM emerges as a scientific field in the 1970s. In its origins, the theory of conceptual fields (TCC) and the theory of didactic situations (TSD) have a central place. Still, DDM currently aggregates a great diversity of theories and methodologies in which the questioning of objects of knowledge and the intention to change relationships with knowledge are relevant elements. Scientific interactions with Brazil have intensified since the 1990s, and since 2015, Brazilian researchers in DDM have been meeting at Working Group 14 (GT 14) of the Brazilian Society of Mathematical Education. In addition to theoretical evolutions of the concept of environment, it discusses, from the perspective of the anthropological theory of didactics, the change in paradigms and the relationship between the teaching problem and the research problem.


